Lanta Island
Swell has dropped lately and a longboard or an SUP are needed to make the most of whatevers out there. Thanks to Mr. J for the photo.
Bangkayah Beach
The last few days have seen fun surfing waves at Bangkayah Beach, the way the wave breaks makes it ideal for riding an SUP.

Changing Weather
Friday, October 16. Noticeable changes in the weather, the interminable rains that have been our companion for the last six months are finally abating, the winds are calming and changing direction and even the sun has been making an appearance. Surf dropped off to ankle high mush but we still had fun riding the SUP.
Payam Island
A beautiful sleepy island blessed with crystal clear waters, empty beaches and great waves. Ao Yai beach works through all stages of tide and is well positioned to pick up south to southwesterly groundswells that wrap into the Andaman. Surf peaks across the entire 3km beach though we found the waves around the rivermouth at the southern end held the best shape. Clean waist to chest high surf was scored the entire trip.

Winds Dropping Off
Light favourable winds and a small long period swell produced clean small surf in the morning at Khuek Khak. Bangkayah Beach had better waves in the afternoon.