From the lips of the experts...
"The Phuket area will actually be your best bet for the most consistent surf in Thailand, although the quality isn't going to be great. The surf in the Phuket region will generally be the result of the SW monsoonal winds blowing strong for a couple days in a row and then laying down. So you'd likely have a short window of fun size, clean windswell once the wind stops. The SW monsoon will start around April but is strongest from June through August/September, so that is when you'll find the most consistent surf.
A much less consistent source of surf would be from cyclones moving into the Bay of Bengal, mainly from April through around October. The size of the surf will depend greatly on the track and position of the cyclone; the swell will also have to filter through the Andaman Islands, which will likely take a big chunk of energy out of the W swells.
You might also score a rare swell on the east coast when typhoons from the western Pacific move into the South China Sea, which will typically be from July through August."
Kevin Wallis - Surfline Forecaster