
Water spouts and guitar sharks.

Sunset At Bangkayah

Six guys in the water, lots of goofing about and sharing of waves, good times.

High Season Payam

Sunday saw a couple of travelers in the water with nicely lined up knee high surf, dropping off to these ankle slappers the following morning. Incidentally, the SUP is useful for paddling out to snorkel around the small island seen in the background which lies 1km off the beach. Many shoals of fish and colourful corals out there.

Turtle Flyby

A member of the local sea life comes in to take a closer inspection.

Dawn Patrol

Not a huge amount of action lately on the Andaman coastline, a few days here and there with a small wave coming through, nothing to write home about. Looks like the western gulf's starting to light up though.

Morning Glass

Small and clean is how its been for the past few days.

Halloween Night Surf

On a clear night the full moon shines brightly enough to surf well after twilight. Our theory is the best waves break during the witching hours when the winds are often dead calm.