Old Pier

Too blown out to surf but the old boardwalk holds sand and often has good peaks either side in clean conditions. There's a few patches of rocks to watch out for on the south side.

Storm Waves

Abysmal weather, strong winds and squally conditions over the last week, this is what the monsoon was supposed to be like, better late than never.

Los Straitjackets

A Mo recommendation, an American instrumental four piece in suits and wrestling masks that play kick-ass surf music, difficult to go wrong with that combination, check them out.

No Fried Eyes

Further to the Blueye surf goggles post, James put us onto these surfing sunglasses from Kurtis USA. Flexible, lightweight, anti-fog coating, polarised, 100% UV protection with head strap, fail-safe leash system, and they float. At $200 a pop they're not cheap but they certainly look well designed.

Kurtis even has a DIY video on how to adapt an old pair of normal sunglasses into something that can be used in the surf.

Battle Of The Paddle

Big thank you to Andrew Miller from the Starboard development team for submitting these photos taken at the Battle of the Paddle SUP event in California.

Starboard team rider Connor Baxster with the legend himself Jerry Lopez.

Starboard SevenEleven 7"11 SUP Review

Starboard Rush 7"4 SUP Review

Starboard Hero 9" SUP Review

What Monsoon?

The general consensus is this year’s SW monsoon was particularly limp-wristed. It threatened to get going on a few occasions, and then pussied out. We were held in a miserable state of ‘onshore limbo’ for almost three months, where the wind never really blew hard or long enough to produce decent sized waves, yet was always around to mess up whatever swell there was.

Some breaks that were working last season have made hardly a whimper over the past few months, whereas other breaks that didn’t really work previously have sometimes been the only place with a wave? Why, send your answers on a postcard?

Oh well, on the up side, a lot of good times were had. We travelled to some cool places, we surfed some new breaks, plenty of friends visited and we met a few new characters. The cherry on the cake was the best swell runs were accompanied with light winds, fine weather and good company…so who’s complaining.