The Kook's Guide To Surfing

Kookmeisters, the following is a simple code, with layman’s explanation, for your own and others safety.

1. Don’t Drop In - Don’t take off on a wave which someone is already riding, it endangers both persons and their equipment; always check along the wave towards the peak before taking off.

2. The Surfer Nearest The Peak Has Priority - Make eye contact and communicate with other surfers as to who wants and will take the wave, when it's your wave paddle with commitment. If someone inside you is already on the wave or taking off then stop paddling for it, don’t keep on paddling and then pull off at the last moment as it distracts the rider and crumbles the face of the wave.

3. Paddle Around The Break - Paddling out directly through the line-up transforms you into a human speed bump. Paddle wide around the break and if you get caught inside with someone surfing towards you, stay in the white water.

4. Hang Onto Your Stick - Hold onto your board in every situation, it stops your board becoming a hazard to others and is your floatation device should you get into trouble.

5. Help Other Surfers - Aid your fellow surfer if they are in distress, waving one arm above your head is the recognised signal for assistance.

6. Don’t Surf Beyond Your Ability - Don’t surf a break if you’re not confident of your ability to do so, if you’re a beginner or a learner find a suitable wave where you won’t be in the way of better surfers.

7. Give Respect To Gain Respect - If you have no respect for other water users and their safety then you shouldn’t be in the water.

Superkook dropping-in on a kneeboarder this morning, being egged on by his mate who was also getting in the way of everyone...go back to the valley man.