Movie Review - Soul Surfer

The true story of Bethany Hamilton, a pro chick surfer who bounces back after losing an arm in a shark attack. I watched this one more out of curiosity to see how she actually paddles and gets up on a wave more than anything else. The movie itself is just terrible and plays out every cliche in the book, ie the family are all sitting around the dinner table and they go to hold hands for prayer, somebody has to hold Bethany's stump etc. The funniest moment has to be when she goes for her first surf months after the attack and runs down the beach dragging her longboard. You could watch this for the surfing scenes alone, you might say it's armless fun, otherwise its positively vomitous, 2/10 for pure comedy value ;)

1 comment:

Steve said...

Agreed, the script sucked but the surfing action was cool.